Sunday, 27 January 2008

Soldering On

Earned myself an hour (or so) modelling, so did some soldering on the Gibson Manning Wardle frame. Not brilliant work, but solid: perhaps too much. I think I've put in one of the cross-members, which is also shaped to take the valve gear, slightly skew.

I may be able to de-solder sufficiently to remove it. On the other hand, it sat okay during the dry run, so maybe it'll just slide further into place if I blast it with heat. The only trouble is, nearby joints may also come adrift.

The frame itself is square, but if I don't settle this other piece properly then running gear may be compromised.

Yes, I know: I did originally intend to practice my soldering on Coach 3. Project-wise, there is now an issue (as opposed to a risk), which is my slap-dash soldering needs re-working. It could be time to call on a more skillful friend. I'll do my best for some before-and-after shots.

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